Root and Align: My Why for Starting This Journey

For as long as I can remember, I’ve carried a vision of entrepreneurship. My ideas have shifted and evolved over the years, but at their heart, they have always been about supporting individuals in improving their health and well-being and living their best life. I’ve always been a dreamer, but for much of my life, I lacked the confidence to follow through on those dreams.

I’ve come up with every excuse in the book. I’m not ready. I’m not qualified enough. I don’t have the experience. I’m just not enough.

But life has a way of putting things into perspective. In just a few short weeks, I will turn 55—the same age my mother was when she left this world after a brief but fierce battle with cancer. That number has been weighing heavily on my heart. It has made me pause and reflect: If I knew I would only live to 55, what would I do differently?

And the answer was crystal clear: I would stop waiting. I would finally bet on myself.

So, here I am, on the threshold of this milestone birthday, choosing to take that leap of faith. Root and Align is my pledge to myself—to no longer stand on the sidelines of my own dreams. It is a space I am creating to foster community, connection, and healing.

Through Root and Align, I hope to bring like-minded individuals together—people who want to take their health and wellness into their own hands. My offerings will include forest bathing walks, yoga, and sacred women’s circles. These gatherings will be centered in nature and around lunar cycles, seasonal transitions, and self-care, creating intentional spaces for reflection, renewal, and connection with nature. Each of these practices has profoundly shaped my own journey, and I am honored to share them with others seeking balance, healing, and a deeper sense of alignment.

This is more than just a business. It is a calling, a way of living, and a commitment to honoring the time we have.

If you’ve been holding yourself back—whether out of fear, self-doubt, or simply the belief that the time isn’t right—I invite you to pause and reflect. What would you do if you stopped waiting?

I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure. Let’s root into ourselves, align with our purpose, and step forward—together.

With gratitude,
Founder, Root and Align


Embracing Winter’s Stillness: Cultivating Warmth as the Days Brighten


"Forest Bathing: A Simple Way to Relax, Recharge, and Reconnect with Nature"